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Chapter 2 - "The Non-Negotiable Objective of All Leaders"

The Non-Negotiable Objective of All Leaders

There is a shift occurring in the U.S. Christian Church. The old model is being challenged with many ministry leaders questioning their purpose and leadership. However…

There is hope for a thriving future!

You can download this chapter FREE now, and read how a shift in your leadership to prioritize this non-negotiable objective can begin to shape your ministry and congregation with renewed purpose and hope, and provide strength to you as you lead the way.

Excerpt from The Non-Negotiable Leader Objective of All Leaders

“The world will change more rapidly through the people you lead and disciple than it will through you alone. Leaders can have an incredible impact on the lives of those around them. However, that impact increases exponentially when leaders empower and disciple others to live out their unique gifting in God’s Kingdom.”

  • “This is a must-read… We know the hard truth, that people - our communities and churches, and our world have changed and will continue to change in ways we have yet to experience. The good news is that Jesus has promised to always work in people’s hearts and the world around us. We must renew our commitment to multiplying discipling leaders.”

    Tim Bayer Lead Pastor, Our Savior Lutheran Church, Tacoma, WA

  • “In a cultural moment where churches continue to scratch their heads in confusion, this chapter gives clarity and hope. There are many people following Jesus who continue to ask, is there more to this? That’s because people have yet to live fully into who God has made them to be and what He has called them to do. It is a disservice to God’s people as ministry and spiritual leaders if we choose, consciously or unconsciously, not to help them discover more. This chapter gives a glimpse into answering in this way, there is more to this.”

    Corey Garrity, Associate Pastor, Redeemer Redwood City Church

  • “This is the issue of our day. We have been talking about leadership for decades but have less leaders than ever because we have divorced leadership development from discipleship. Thank you for clearly articulating the difference between leadership and discipleship (love the matrix), and showing us how they work together. This is the key to leaving a real Spiritual legacy!”

    Pastor Ben Griffin, Executive Director, LINC Ministries

  • This writing challenges ministry assumptions and patterns to point pastors to Jesus’ example of a disciple-producing ministry.”

    Aaron Allison, Lead Pastor CIL.CHURCH, Hendersonville, TN

From the U.S. and international ministry leadership practitioners at PLI (Pastoral Leadership Institute), offering practical leadership training and coaching experience, wisdom, and hope to thousands of pastors, their spouses, ministry leadership teams, and laypersons over the past 22 years.